Frequency Converter is an electromechanical device used for converting alternating current (AC) of one frequency to another. This solid state electronic device uses a rectifier to produce direct current. The direct current is further converted into the alternative current (AC) of desired frequency. Frequency Conductors generally employ one of these semiconductors that are insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) or thyristors. Frequency Convertors is available in different capacities according to the requirement of the application in which they have to be used.
Essential Applications
- Frequency Converter For Commercial and Industrial Applications :- Frequency Converters are available in altered dimensions and are used in various industrial and commercial applications that require conversion of alternating current (AC) frequency. In industrial units, Frequency Converter is primarily used for controlling alternating current (AC) for preventing over riding of current and sparks. In power source systems, they are used for adjusting electric drives and maintaining magnetic amplifiers.
- Frequency Converter In Medicine :- Frequency Converters are widely used in therapeutic and medicinal applications. For controlling the radio frequencies, Frequency Converters were installed in x-ray and sonography machines. These medical instruments were used for identifying internal medical condition of patients. Apart from detection, radio frequencies are also used for treatment of certain medical disorders. In certain kinds of heart surgeries, manipulated radio frequencies are employed and Frequency Converter is used for altering such frequencies according to the need.
- Frequency Converter In Communication :- Communication is one such area where Frequency Converter is most extensively used. The reason behind this is that most of the devices work on radio frequencies that are sent through different devices. These radio frequencies are then manipulated by the Frequency Converter which converts them into the required frequency. This electromechanical device is used by various communication devices like television, phone, GPS units, Wi-Fi router and more.
Apart from the uses mentioned above Frequency Converters are used in many other applications as well. They are designed for Defence establishments and aviation industries to give constant amplitude and frequency.
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